Students will use this space to introduce themselves to their practicum placement. The 8.5×11 introduction poster includes:
- a photo clearly identifying the student to the children and families,
- a paragraph (minimum) including:
- the student’s name,
- where they live,
- what practicum they are completing (Practicum 1, 2 or 3) and the dates they will be in the program,
- why they decided to be an early childhood educator,
- Hobbies and interests and
- Anything else they want to share.
Be sure your content is visually pleasing, and easy to read from a “standing in the hall” perspective. For example, if your write up is too long you will have to use a smaller font to fit it on your page making the poster difficult to read.
You could add your image and text as above and link the poster to text like this.
You could also simply embed your pdf like below.